"Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything." As so much of the world continues to struggle around us, this is a very fitting thought to keep in mind.
Many of us are still not back to anything close to our usual daily routines, and may not be for quite a while.
Because of that, some of the ideas on this month's calendar may not be possible right now, so try keeping those ideas in mind for a different day or a better time.
But if you are out and about during these difficult times, please remember that now is the time when it is even more important to take advantage of any opportunity to show kindness.
If you have performed a random act of kindness, or have been on the receiving end of some kindness - please consider sharing your story with us to hopefully inspire others to perform a similar random act of kindness. See our collection of shared kindness experiences, and consider sharing your own.
And don't forget to download your copy of our free printable Kindness Calendar for February 2021. Share it with your family and friends to inspire and encourage them to add a little extra kindness to those around them too.
We can all benefit from a few more acts of kindness, so let's all do our part and spread kindness around whenever we can! And most important now - continue to be careful and stay safe.