"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop


Inspirational Stories


Random Acts of Kindness Calendar March 2021

Random Acts of Kindness Calendar March 2021


We're now a year into this unbelievable situation, and finally there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. And of course, we are all hoping that life will be getting back to some sense of normal before too long.

If we have learned anything from this past year, I hope it is the realization that kindness towards each other is even more important than ever.

I would be willing to guess that some of us have seen people reacting poorly out of anger and fear, but I think that the random acts of kindness that have taken place far outnumber the bad reactions.

Those random acts of kindness really are the memories we should take away from this past year.

If you have performed or received or even just witnessed a random act of kindness, please consider sharing that story with us to inspire and encourage others to perform a similar act of kindness. See our collection of shared kindness experiences, and consider sharing your own.

With life not quite back to normal, the opportunities to share kindness may not present themselves too often, but our free printable Kindness Calendar for March 2021 may give you some inspiration. Share it with your friends and family to inspire them to spread a little extra kindness to those around them too.

We can all benefit from a few more acts of kindness, so let's all do our part and spread kindness around whenever we can! So, ask yourself this - have you been kind today?