"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop


Random Acts of Kindness Quotes

These are some of my favorite inspirational and kindness quotes.

Hopefully you will find some inspiration here, or maybe take a moment out of your day to reflect on your life. Perhaps to be thankful for benefits received, or for strength and encouragement to help you through a tough time.

Whatever your current situation, please take a few moments here to be inspired by these quotes on kindness.


Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else. ~ Sri Chinmoy

If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. ~ William Penn

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. ~ Joseph Addison

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ~ Buddha

The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. ~ William Wordsworth

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. ~ Seneca

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Do a deed of simple kindness; though its end you may not see, it may reach, like widening ripples, down a long eternity. ~ Joseph Norris

Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo Buscaglia

No one is born hating another person...People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. ~ Nelson Mandela

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. ~ Howard Zinn

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. ~ John E. Southard

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day. ~ Sally Koch

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. ~ Princess Diana

There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. ~ Nathaniel Branden

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. ~ Theodore Isaac Rubin

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. ~ Henry James

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are. ~ Roy T. Bennett

Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life. ~ Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness. ~ R.J. Palacio

I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that. ~ Robert Michaels

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop

Always have a willing hand to help someone, you might be the only one that does. ~ Roy T. Bennett

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~ Steve Maraboli

It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. ~ Steve Maraboli

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it. ~ Dante Alighieri

If you have kindness in your heart, you offer acts of kindness to touch the hearts of others wherever you go - whether they are random or planned. Kindness becomes a way of life. ~ Roy T. Bennett

If we are going to be kind, let it be out of simple generosity, not because we fear guilt or retribution.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~ Oscar Wilde

Kindness has no religion. Religions are like narrow tracks but kindness is like an open sky. ~ Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

With one kind gesture you can change a life. One person at a time you can change the world. One day at a time we can change everything. ~ Steve Maraboli, The Power of One

Sometimes those who give the most are the ones with the least to spare.




Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else. ~ Sri Chinmoy

If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. ~ William Penn

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~ Mark Twain

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. ~ Joseph Addison

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ~ Buddha

The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. ~ William Wordsworth

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. ~ Seneca

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Do a deed of simple kindness; though its end you may not see, it may reach, like widening ripples, down a long eternity. ~ Joseph Norris

Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo Buscaglia

No one is born hating another person...People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. ~ Nelson Mandela

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. ~ Howard Zinn

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. ~ John E. Southard

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day. ~ Sally Koch

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. ~ Princess Diana

There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. ~ Nathaniel Branden

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. ~ Theodore Isaac Rubin

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. ~ Henry James

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are. ~ Roy T. Bennett

Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life. ~ Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness. ~ R.J. Palacio

I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that. ~ Robert Michaels

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop

Always have a willing hand to help someone, you might be the only one that does. ~ Roy T. Bennett

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~ Steve Maraboli

It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. ~ Steve Maraboli

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it. ~ Dante Alighieri

If you have kindness in your heart, you offer acts of kindness to touch the hearts of others wherever you go - whether they are random or planned. Kindness becomes a way of life. ~ Roy T. Bennett

If we are going to be kind, let it be out of simple generosity, not because we fear guilt or retribution.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~ Oscar Wilde

Kindness has no religion. Religions are like narrow tracks but kindness is like an open sky. ~ Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

With one kind gesture you can change a life. One person at a time you can change the world. One day at a time we can change everything. ~ Steve Maraboli, The Power of One

Sometimes those who give the most are the ones with the least to spare.